Nauli: Theory & Practice


Nauli is mentioned in Light On Yoga (posture #202) and the Hatha Yoga Pradapika yet hardly anyone teaches it or even knows how to do it. In this 1.5 hour workshop, you'll learn its origins and uses. You'll also learn how to teach yourself nauli.

Workshop Cost: $15


Theory & Practice


Studio Satya
1308 W. Anderson Lane, Suite A, Austin, TX 78757


3:00pm - 4:30pm

Saturday, November 19th, 2022

Recommended Preparation

This is not an asana class and we won't be doing much physical activity. No yoga mat is needed. If you want to try the practice method, please wear clothing that fits loosely at the waist and don't eat any solid food 4 hours before the workshop

About the instructor

Jason Levitt learned nauli in San Francisco in 2006 and has been practicing yoga for over twenty years. Is there such a thing as a nauli "expert"? If there is, he'd like to meet them.